Reality doesn't bite, rather our perception of reality bites. – Anthony J D'Angelo

Many of us live in a world filled with destruction and pitfalls. The world is constantly pitted against them constantly taking everything they work to build. Their perception is that they are the constant victim in a reality that is always pitted against them. To them, there is no other way of seeing the world. Their reality bites.

Our reality is always altered or colored by our perception of it. We filter what is going on through our experiences. How we interpret those experiences decides how we view reality. We need only look at different things in our life and our life takes on a new course. That is to say, that when we focus on things of higher worth, or lives carries more worth. What we focus on we cultivate in our perceptions. We must learn to focus on the things that for us hold value.

Today, I will only focus on that which holds value. In doing that, I will cultivate value in my life.

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